Experience the Zen Zero Difference

Our mission is to relieve you from the financial burden of credit card acceptance costs through our Zen Dual Pricing Program! It’s a significant opportunity! With Zen Zero Cost Processing*, you can pay absolutely nothing.

*Approval Required

Experience the Zen Zero Difference by Zen Payment Solutions
Eliminate your interchange costs altogether with Zen Payment Solutions
Pay ZERO with Zen Zero Cost Processing
Pay ZERO with Zen Zero Cost Processing
Pay ZERO with Zen Zero Cost Processing
Zen Zero Cost Payment for Credit Card Processing

Eliminate your interchange
costs altogether.

Pay ZERO with Zen Zero Cost Processing*

We’re on a mission to help you eliminate the burden of the cost of accepting credit cards with our Zen Dual Pricing Program!!! It’s a BIG DEAL! Pay ZERO with Zen Zero Cost Processing*

*Approval required.

What is Zen Zero Cost and Dual Pricing?

What is Zen Zero Cost?

You’ve likely noticed it at the gas station – two price options – and now you can have it too

Cash Discount is a Dual-Pricing system. With this system, you can provide customers a discount when they pay with cash. For those who prefer card payments, the processing fees are incorporated into that price, which is why it’s called as such. Any fees collected are automatically credited to your account, resulting in substantial savings. Simply display compliant dual pricing signage in your store to promote your cash discount program.

What makes Zen Zero Cost different?

In the traditional approach, the cash price is increased by adding a SERVICE FEE, which then becomes the card price. This service fee is clearly displayed on the customer’s receipt, often leading to unfavorable customer reactions. This method is not in accordance with regulations.

However, Zen Zero Cost takes the credit card price and establishes a CASH PRICE based on the discount the merchant desires to offer the customer. There is no fee listed on the receipt, making it fully legal and compliant.

No Risk

Try Zen Zero Cost with no strings attached. If you don't like it, reverting to the previous system is a breeze.

Efficient Setup

Our setup process is swift and trouble-free, and it seamlessly integrates with various POS systems. Navigating our online portal is a breeze.

Legally Approved

Zen Zero Cost is thoroughly vetted for legal compliance, ensuring you can reap the cost-offsetting benefits with confidence.

Save Thousands

You simply post your Dual Pricing signage at your place of business and you’re set to start saving

The Zen Zero Cost Risk-Free Set Up

You Share Your Statement with us and we assess how we can help

You put dual pricing/Zen Zero Cost signage in your store

You set up your payment equipment – we take care of the rest